BLOGJune 20, 2023

What Is the Role of SEO in Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses various strategies and techniques to promote a brand, product, or service online. One of the most important and effective digital marketing strategies is SEO, which stands for search engine optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing a website and its content for greater visibility and relevance on search engines like Google and Bing.

What Is the Role of SEO in Digital Marketing?

SEO plays a vital role in digital marketing because it helps businesses reach their target audience, increase their online presence, and generate more traffic, leads, and conversions. In this article, we will explain what SEO is, how it works, why it is important, and how to implement it.

What is SEO?

SEO is a set of practices that aim to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results. Organic search results are the unpaid listings on a search engine results page (SERP) that the search engine has determined are most relevant to the user’s query. Ads (in this context, PPC or pay-per-click ads) make up a significant portion of many SERPs. Organic search results are distinct from these ads in that they are positioned based on the search engine’s organic ranking algorithms rather than advertiser bids. You can’t pay for your page to rank higher in organic search results1.

SEO involves optimizing various elements of a website and its content, such as:

  • Keywords: the words and phrases that users type or speak into the search box to find what they are looking for. Keywords help search engines understand what your web pages are about and match them to relevant queries. Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the best keywords for your website and content.
  • Content: the information and media that you provide on your web pages to satisfy user intent and provide value to your audience. Content can include text, images, videos, audio, infographics, etc. Content should be relevant, informative, engaging, original, and well-structured.
  • On-page SEO: the optimization of web page elements that are visible to users and crawlers, such as title tags, meta descriptions, headings, URLs, internal links, etc. On-page SEO helps search engines understand the topic and purpose of your web pages and index them accordingly.
  • Off-page SEO: the optimization of external factors that affect your website’s reputation and authority, such as backlinks, social media signals, reviews, etc. Off-page SEO helps search engines evaluate the popularity and trustworthiness of your website and its content.
  • Technical SEO: the optimization of backend aspects of your website that affect its performance and usability, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, security, sitemaps, robots.txt files, etc. Technical SEO helps search engines crawl and render your website efficiently and provide a better user experience.

How does SEO work?

Search engines like Google and Bing use crawlers (also called bots or spiders) to gather information about all the content they can find on the internet. The crawler starts from a known web page and follows internal links to pages within that site as well as external links to pages on other sites. The content on those pages, plus the context of the links it followed, help the crawler understand what each page is about and how it’s semantically connected to all of the other pages within the search engine’s massive database called an index1.

When a user types or speaks a query into the search box, the search engine uses complex algorithms to pull out what it believes to be the most accurate and useful list of results for that query. The algorithms take into account hundreds of factors (also called ranking signals) such as:

  • Relevance: how closely the web page matches the user’s query and intent
  • Quality: how authoritative, credible, and original the web page content is
  • User experience: how easy and enjoyable it is for users to access and interact with the web page
  • Location: how geographically relevant the web page is for the user’s query
  • Device: how well the web page adapts to different devices (e.g., desktops vs mobile phones)
  • Personalization: how tailored the web page is to the user’s preferences and history

The algorithms also constantly update and evolve based on new data and feedback from users (e.g., click-through rates, dwell time, bounce rate). This means that SEO is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires monitoring and adapting to changing user behavior and search engine trends.

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Strategies for Free Website Builders

Why is SEO important?

SEO is important for digital marketing because it helps businesses achieve various goals, such as:

  • Increasing organic traffic: SEO helps your website rank higher on SERPs for relevant keywords, which means more users will see and click on your web pages. According to a study by Backlinko, the first result on Google gets 31.7% of all clicks, while the tenth result gets only 2.5%2. Therefore, ranking higher can significantly boost your organic traffic, which is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content1.
  • Improving user experience: SEO helps you optimize your website and content for your target audience, which means you can provide them with a better user experience. A good user experience can include factors such as fast loading speed, easy navigation, clear layout, engaging content, mobile-friendliness, etc. A good user experience can increase user satisfaction, retention, and loyalty, as well as reduce bounce rate and improve conversions.
  • Building brand awareness and credibility: SEO helps you establish your website as a trustworthy and authoritative source of information, products, or services in your industry. By ranking high on SERPs for relevant keywords, you can increase your brand visibility and exposure to potential customers. By providing high-quality and valuable content, you can build your brand reputation and credibility among your audience and peers. By earning backlinks from other reputable websites, you can enhance your brand authority and influence in your niche.
  • Generating more leads and conversions: SEO helps you attract more qualified and relevant traffic to your website, which means you can generate more leads and conversions. Leads are users who have shown interest in your products or services by taking actions such as subscribing to your email list, filling out a contact form, downloading a free resource, etc. Conversions are users who have completed a desired goal on your website such as making a purchase, signing up for a trial, booking an appointment, etc. SEO helps you optimize your website and content for different stages of the buyer’s journey (awareness, consideration, decision) and guide users towards taking the next step.
  • Measuring and improving ROI: SEO helps you measure and improve the return on investment (ROI) of your digital marketing efforts. SEO is a cost-effective strategy that does not require paying for ads or clicks. Instead, it relies on organic methods to drive traffic and conversions. SEO also provides various tools and metrics to track and analyze the performance of your website and content, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Moz Pro, etc. These tools can help you measure indicators such as traffic volume, sources, behavior, conversions, revenue, etc., and identify areas of improvement.

How to implement SEO?

SEO is a complex and dynamic process that requires planning, research, execution, monitoring, and optimization. Here are some general steps to implement SEO for your website:

  • Conduct an SEO audit: an SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis of your website’s current state of optimization. It helps you identify and fix any issues or gaps that may be affecting your site’s performance and ranking. An SEO audit can cover various aspects of SEO such as technical SEO (e.g., site speed, security), on-page SEO (e.g., keywords, content), off-page SEO (e.g., backlinks, social media), etc.
  • Perform keyword research: keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing the best keywords for your website and content. It helps you understand what your target audience is searching for online and how you can match their intent with relevant content. Keyword research can involve various steps such as brainstorming topics, using keyword tools (e.g., Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer), analyzing keyword metrics (e.g., search volume, difficulty), mapping keywords to web pages, etc.
  • Create and optimize content: content creation and optimization is the process of producing and improving the content on your web pages to satisfy user intent and provide value to your audience. It involves various steps such as choosing a content format (e.g., blog post, video), writing or editing the content (e.g., using headings, subheadings), optimizing the content for keywords (e.g., using them in title tags, meta descriptions), adding multimedia elements (e.g., images, videos), etc.
  • Build and earn backlinks: backlink building and earning is the process of acquiring links from other websites that point to your web pages. It helps you increase your site’s authority and popularity among search engines and users. Backlink building and earning can involve various strategies such as guest posting, content marketing, outreach, etc.
  • Monitor and analyze results: monitoring and analyzing results is the process of tracking and evaluating the performance and impact of your SEO efforts. It helps you measure and improve your ROI and identify opportunities for growth and optimization. Monitoring and analyzing results can involve various tools and metrics such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Moz Pro, traffic volume, sources, behavior, conversions, revenue, etc.

How to Get Started with SEO

If you want to start using SEO marketing for your website, here are some steps you can follow:

  • Conduct keyword research: This is the process of finding out what words and phrases your target audience uses when they search for information, products, or services related to your niche. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, or SEMrush to discover popular and relevant keywords for your site. You should also analyze the search intent behind each keyword, which is the goal or outcome that the user wants to achieve by typing that query. You should aim to create content that matches and fulfills the user’s intent
  • Optimize your site’s content: This is the process of creating and updating your web pages with high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that incorporates your target keywords. You should also follow the best practices for on-page SEO, such as using descriptive and catchy titles and meta descriptions, using headings and subheadings to structure your content, using images and videos to enhance your content, using internal links to connect related pages on your site, and using external links to cite authoritative sources.
  • Build backlinks to your site: This is the process of acquiring links from other reputable websites that point to your site. Backlinks can help you boost your site’s authority and trustworthiness, as well as drive more traffic to your site. 
  • Improve your site’s technical aspects: This is the process of ensuring that your site’s backend elements are optimized for search engines and users. You should check and fix any issues that might affect your site’s performance, such as broken links, duplicate content, slow loading speed, mobile-friendliness, security, and crawlability. You can use tools like Google Search Console, Google PageSpeed Insights, Moz Pro Site Crawl, or Screaming Frog SEO Spider to audit and improve your site’s technical SEO2.

Measure and analyze your SEO results: This is the process of tracking and evaluating how well your SEO efforts are working. You should use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Moz Pro Rank Tracker, or SEMrush Position Tracking to monitor metrics such as organic traffic, rankings, conversions, bounce rate, dwell time, click-through rate (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). You should also use these tools to identify any opportunities or challenges that might affect your SEO performance and make adjustments accordingly.

How to Build Quality and Effective Backlinks


SEO is a vital part of digital marketing that can help you increase your online visibility, attract more qualified traffic, improve user experience, and grow your conversions and revenue. To succeed with SEO marketing, you need to understand how search engines work, what are the benefits of SEO marketing, and how to implement SEO techniques on your site.

If you need help with creating a well-optimized website that ranks high on search engines and appeals to your target audience, you can use Webfity - a free website builder that offers easy-to-use templates, drag-and-drop features, mobile responsiveness, SEO tools, analytics integration, and more. With Webfity, you can create a stunning website in minutes without any coding or design skills.