BLOGJuly 17, 2023

How to Boost Your Landing Page Conversions with Video Content

Landing pages are one of the most effective ways to capture leads, generate sales, and grow your business. But how do you make your landing page stand out from the crowd and convince your visitors to take action?

How to Boost Your Landing Page Conversions with Video Content

One of the best ways to do that is to use video content on your landing page.

Video content can help you showcase your product or service, tell your brand story, and connect with your audience on an emotional level. Video content can also increase your landing page conversions by up to 86%, according to a study by Eyeview Digital.

But not all video content is created equal. You need to follow some best practices to make sure your video content is engaging, relevant, and persuasive.

In this article, we will share with you 8 tips on how to use video content on your landing page to delight and convert your customers.

Video best practices for landing pages

  1. Use an enticing thumbnail

A thumbnail is the first thing that your visitors will see when they land on your page. It can make or break your video play rate, and you better believe we’ve tested it.

A good thumbnail should capture the attention of your visitors, spark their curiosity, and entice them to click on the play button. It should also be relevant to your video content and match your landing page design.

Some tips for creating an enticing thumbnail are:

  • Use a high-quality image that is clear and crisp
  • Use bright colors and contrast to make it pop
  • Include a human face or an eye-catching object
  • Add some text or a logo to convey your message or brand
  • Avoid misleading or clickbait images that don’t deliver on their promise
  1. Opt for inline embed

An inline embed is a video that is embedded directly on your landing page, rather than opening in a new window or tab. This way, you can keep your visitors on your page and avoid any distractions or interruptions.

An inline embed also allows you to control the size, position, and appearance of your video player. You can customize it to fit your landing page layout and style, and make it responsive to different devices and screen sizes.

Some tips for using an inline embed are:

  • Place your video above the fold, so that it is visible without scrolling
  • Make sure your video player is compatible with all browsers and devices
  • Use a responsive video player that adapts to different screen sizes and orientations
  • Remove any unnecessary controls or elements from your video player
  • Enable autoplay or loop if appropriate for your video content
  1. Align video with page content

Your video content should be aligned with the rest of your landing page content. It should complement and reinforce your headline, copy, and call to action, rather than contradict or confuse them.

Your video content should also be relevant to your target audience and their pain points, goals, and desires. It should address their needs and expectations, and show them how your product or service can solve their problems or improve their lives.

Some tips for aligning your video with your page content are:

  • Use a clear and catchy headline that summarizes the main benefit or value proposition of your video
  • Write a short and compelling copy that explains what your video is about and why they should watch it
  • Include a clear and strong call to action that tells them what to do next after watching your video
  • Use consistent tone, voice, and style throughout your landing page and video content
  • Use testimonials, social proof, or statistics to back up your claims and build trust
  1. Keep it short

The length of your video content depends on several factors, such as the type of video, the goal of your landing page, and the attention span of your audience. However, as a general rule of thumb, shorter videos tend to perform better than longer ones.

According to Wistia’s research, the optimal length for a landing page video is between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. This is enough time to deliver your message, show off your product or service, and persuade your visitors to take action.

Some tips for keeping your video short are:

  • Plan ahead and write a script before you start filming
  • Focus on one main idea or benefit per video
  • Cut out any fluff or filler content that doesn’t add value
  • Use visuals, animations, or sound effects to convey information faster and easier
  • Split longer videos into shorter segments or series if necessary
  1. Keep video content above the fold

The fold is the part of the web page that is visible without scrolling. It is where most visitors will look first when they land on your page. Therefore, it is crucial to place your most important elements above the fold, including your video content.

By keeping your video content above the fold, you can increase its visibility, engagement, and conversions. You can also reduce bounce rate and improve user experience.

Some tips for keeping your video content above the fold are:

  • Use a large and prominent video player that attracts attention
  • Use a grid or a column layout to organize your landing page elements
  • Use white space and contrast to highlight your video content
  • Avoid cluttering your landing page with too many elements or information
  • Test different layouts and positions for your video content and see what works best
  1. Make sure the video is optimized for viewing

The quality and performance of your video content can have a significant impact on your landing page conversions. If your video is slow to load, blurry, or choppy, you will lose the interest and trust of your visitors.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your video is optimized for viewing on any device, browser, or network. You need to ensure that your video is fast, clear, and smooth.

Some tips for optimizing your video for viewing are:

  • Use a reliable and fast hosting service for your video
  • Compress and reduce the file size of your video without compromising quality
  • Use adaptive bitrate streaming to adjust the quality of your video based on the bandwidth of the viewer
  • Use captions, subtitles, or transcripts to make your video accessible and understandable
  • Test your video on different devices, browsers, and networks and fix any issues
  1. Include a call to action

A call to action (CTA) is a button, link, or text that tells your visitors what to do next after watching your video. It is the final step in converting them into leads, customers, or subscribers.

Your CTA should be clear, specific, and compelling. It should tell your visitors exactly what they will get and why they should act now. It should also stand out from the rest of your landing page and be easy to find and click.

Some tips for creating a powerful CTA are:

  • Use action-oriented words that convey urgency and value, such as “Start”, “Join”, “Get”, etc.
  • Use contrasting colors and shapes to make your CTA pop
  • Use whitespace and directional cues to draw attention to your CTA
  • Use personalization and social proof to increase relevance and trust
  • A/B test different CTA variations and see what converts best
  1. A/B test

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a landing page or a landing page element to see which one performs better. It is a great way to optimize your landing page and improve your conversions.

You can A/B test any aspect of your landing page or video content, such as the headline, thumbnail, length, position, CTA, etc. You can also test different types of videos, such as explainer videos, demo videos, testimonial videos, etc.

Some tips for A/B testing are:

  • Define a clear goal and hypothesis for each test
  • Use a reliable and easy-to-use tool for A/B testing
  • Run each test for enough time and traffic to get statistically significant results
  • Analyze the data and insights from each test and implement the winning version
  • Keep testing and iterating until you find the optimal combination


Video content is a powerful way to boost your landing page conversions and grow your business. By following these 8 tips, you can create engaging, relevant, and persuasive video content that will delight and convert your customers.

If you need help with creating video content for your landing page or website creator, you can use Webfity’s website builder service. Webfity is a cost-effective, easy-to-use, and professional website builder that can help you create stunning video content in minutes.

Ready to get started? Click here to sign up for Webfity today!