BLOGJune 08, 2023

How to Get a Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), now commonly known as TLS (Transport Layer Security), is a cryptographic protocol used to secure communication over the internet. It establishes an encrypted connection between a client (such as a web browser) and a server (such as a website), ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data transmitted between them.

How to Get a Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

If you have a website, you probably want to make sure that your visitors can access it securely and trust that their data is protected. One way to do that is to use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, which encrypts the communication between your website and your visitors’ browsers.

What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that establishes a secure and encrypted connection between a web server and a web browser. It is used to authenticate the identity of a website and enable secure data transmission over the internet.

The SSL certificate contains specific information, such as the website's domain name, its owner or organization, the certificate's expiration date, and the digital signature of the certificate authority (CA) that issued it. This information helps validate the authenticity and integrity of the website.

When a user visits a website with an SSL certificate, their web browser initiates a secure connection with the server by requesting the SSL certificate. The server then sends the certificate to the browser, which verifies its validity and authenticity.

Once the SSL certificate is verified, the browser and the server establish an encrypted connection, indicated by the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) protocol in the website's URL and a padlock symbol in the browser's address bar. This encryption ensures that any data exchanged between the browser and the server remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access or eavesdropping.

In summary, an SSL certificate provides three essential functions: authentication, encryption, and data integrity. It verifies the identity of a website, encrypts the data transmitted between the server and the browser, and ensures the integrity of the data during transmission. These aspects are crucial for maintaining security and trust when interacting with websites, especially when handling sensitive information like personal details or financial transactions.

The Best Website Builders with Free SSL Certificates

What are the types of SSL certificates?

Before we dive into the details of how to get a free SSL certificate, let’s first understand what are the types of SSL certificates and how they differ from each other.

There are three main types of SSL certificates: Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV).

  • Domain Validation (DV): This is the most basic and common type of SSL certificate. It verifies that you own the domain name of your website, but does not provide any information about your organization or business. A DV certificate is suitable for personal websites, blogs, or small businesses that do not handle sensitive information.
  • Organization Validation (OV): This type of SSL certificate verifies that you own the domain name of your website, as well as some information about your organization or business, such as its name, address, and contact details. An OV certificate is suitable for medium-sized businesses or organizations that handle some sensitive information, such as customer data or payments.
  • Extended Validation (EV): This is the most advanced and secure type of SSL certificate. It verifies that you own the domain name of your website, as well as extensive information about your organization or business, such as its legal name, registered address, incorporation details, and contact details. An EV certificate also displays a green padlock and your organization’s name in the browser’s address bar. An EV certificate is suitable for large businesses or organizations that handle highly sensitive information, such as financial transactions or personal data.

The type of SSL certificate you need depends on the nature and purpose of your website. Generally speaking, the more sensitive information you handle, the higher level of validation you need.

However, the higher level of validation also comes with a higher cost. While DV certificates are usually free or very cheap, OV and EV certificates can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year.

Fortunately, there are ways to get a free SSL certificate for your website, regardless of the type of validation you need. Let’s see how.

How to get a free DV certificate?

One of the easiest and most popular ways to get a free DV certificate is to use Let’s Encrypt, a non-profit organization that provides free SSL certificates to anyone who owns a domain name.

Let’s Encrypt is supported by many web hosting providers, such as Bluehost, SiteGround, HostGator, and more. If your web host supports Let’s Encrypt, you can easily install a free DV certificate on your website from your web host’s control panel.

The exact steps may vary depending on your web host, but here is a general guide on how to install a Let’s Encrypt DV certificate on your website:

  1. Log in to your web host’s control panel and navigate to the section where you can manage your domains and websites.
  2. Find the domain name that you want to secure with an SSL certificate and click on it.
  3. Look for an option that says something like “SSL”, “Security”, “HTTPS”, or “Let’s Encrypt”.
  4. Click on it and follow the instructions to enable and install a free DV certificate from Let’s Encrypt on your domain name.
  5. Wait for a few minutes for the installation to complete and then check if your website is now using HTTPS by visiting it in your browser.

If everything went well, you should see a padlock icon next to your domain name in the browser’s address bar, indicating that your website is now secure with an SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

You can also use an online tool like SSL Checker to verify if your SSL certificate is valid and working properly.

One thing to note is that Let’s Encrypt certificates expire after 90 days, so you need to renew them regularly. However, most web hosts offer an automatic renewal feature, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If your web host does not support Let’s Encrypt, or if you want to have more control over your SSL certificate, you can also use a third-party service like SSL For Free, ZeroSSL, or Cloudflare to get a free DV certificate for your website.

These services allow you to generate and download a free DV certificate from Let’s Encrypt or other providers, and then manually install it on your website.

The exact steps may vary depending on the service you use, but here is a general guide on how to get a free DV certificate from a third-party service and install it on your website:

  1. Visit the website of the service you want to use and enter your domain name in the input field.
  2. Follow the instructions to verify that you own the domain name by using one of the methods provided, such as uploading a file, adding a DNS record, or using an email.
  3. Once verified, download the SSL certificate files (usually a .crt and a .key file) to your computer.
  4. Log in to your web host’s control panel and navigate to the section where you can manage your domains and websites.
  5. Find the domain name that you want to secure with an SSL certificate and click on it.
  6. Look for an option that says something like “SSL”, “Security”, “HTTPS”, or “Custom SSL”.
  7. Click on it and upload the SSL certificate files that you downloaded from the third-party service.
  8. Wait for a few minutes for the installation to complete and then check if your website is now using HTTPS by visiting it in your browser.

If everything went well, you should see a padlock icon next to your domain name in the browser’s address bar, indicating that your website is now secure with an SSL certificate from the third-party service.

You can also use an online tool like SSL Checker to verify if your SSL certificate is valid and working properly.

One thing to note is that these certificates also expire after 90 days, so you need to renew them regularly. However, some services offer an automatic renewal feature, so you don’t have to worry about it.

How to get a free OV or EV certificate?

If you need a higher level of validation for your website, such as OV or EV, you may have a harder time finding a free SSL certificate provider. Most providers charge a fee for these types of certificates, as they require more verification and validation processes.

However, there are still some ways to get a free OV or EV certificate for your website, if you are willing to compromise on some aspects.

One way is to use Cloudflare, a web performance and security company that offers free SSL certificates for all its users. Cloudflare acts as a proxy between your website and your visitors, meaning that it handles all the HTTPS requests and responses for your website.

Cloudflare offers three types of SSL certificates: Flexible, Full, and Strict.

  • Flexible: This option encrypts the communication between your visitors and Cloudflare, but not between Cloudflare and your web server. This means that your visitors will see a padlock icon next to your domain name in the browser’s address bar, but your web server will still use HTTP. This option is easy to set up, but not very secure.
  • Full: This option encrypts the communication between your visitors and Cloudflare, as well as between Cloudflare and your web server. This means that both your visitors and your web server will use HTTPS. However, this option does not verify the validity of the SSL certificate on your web server, meaning that it can be self-signed or expired. This option is more secure than Flexible, but not very reliable.
  • Strict: This option encrypts the communication between your visitors and Cloudflare, as well as between Cloudflare and your web server. This means that both your visitors and your web server will use HTTPS. Moreover, this option verifies the validity of the SSL certificate on your web server, meaning that it has to be issued by a trusted authority. This option is the most secure and reliable among the three.

Depending on the type of SSL certificate you choose, Cloudflare will provide either a DV or an OV certificate for your website. If you choose Flexible or Full, Cloudflare will provide a DV certificate for your website. If you choose Strict, Cloudflare will provide an OV certificate for your website.

However, Cloudflare does not provide EV certificates for any of its users. If you want an EV certificate for your website, you will have to purchase one from another provider. Also you can learn about the certificate providers Free SSL

Unlock the Power of SSL Certificates: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Website

Are you on the hunt for a free SSL certificate? Look no further! This article dives into the world of SSL certificates, exploring their benefits and limitations. While a free certificate seems enticing, it might not be the ideal solution for every website out there. Let's discover why!

Imagine you have an e-commerce site and you're eager to display a security seal, reassuring your customers of their safety. Unfortunately, a free SSL certificate won't do the trick. These certificates, known as "Domain Validated," lack the capability to provide that coveted security seal. So, if you want to inspire trust in your online store, you might need to explore other options.

Another potential hurdle with free certificates lies in their validity period. Paid certificates offer peace of mind with a minimum one-year validity. However, most free certificates, including the ever-popular Let's Encrypt, only hold their ground for 90 days. This might not be an issue if your website hosting company offers automated certificate renewal. But if you're managing your own server or VPS, the thought of manually renewing your SSL certificate every 90 days might send shivers down your spine. In such cases, investing in a paid certificate can be a time-saving blessing, outweighing the cost involved.

Now, let's face the truth: finding companies that issue truly free SSL certificates is like finding a needle in a haystack. Sure, there are a handful out there, but they are few and far between. However, the good news is that millions of new certificates are issued every day, and the process is becoming more manageable.

So, what have we learned? Free SSL certificates have their place, but they may not meet the specific needs of every website. If you're running an e-commerce store or crave a longer validity period, it might be time to consider a paid certificate. Don't fret, though; many hosting companies offer seamless automation for certificate renewal, making the whole process hassle-free.

Wefity hope this article has shed some light on the world of SSL certificates and their suitability for your website.